by: Gracia Nataliani
This time, EDEN When Expert Talk interviewed one of English Department alumni, Mr. Burhan Sodiq. He is the CEO of Gazzamedia Publisher which is located in Solo. He was excitedly talking about his experiences and how English Department influenced his knowledge.
Pen name : burhanshadiq
Profession : CEO of Gazzamedia Publisher
Blog :
Education : English Department 1998, Sebelas Maret University; Graduated at 2003.
Would you mind telling us about your origin and relatives?
My father comes from Solo and my mother comes from Sukoharjo. My wife’s hometown is Surabaya. Her name is Dwi Susi Wardhani. I have two children. They are Atikah Aqila and Aisyah Shalihah.
What are your daily activities?
I handle Gazzamedia. I am also an active blog writer and book writer. Most of my books are religious books. I wrote just one or two books with general issues. I am studying at one of universities in Solo, post-graduate program. I am working on my thesis.
What are your unforgettable experiences during college time?
My college life was interesting. I took linguistics as my mainstream. During college, I was active in making SKI’s magazines. I ever opened translation service with my friends.
When did you start running Gazzamedia?
Two years ago. Before establishing Gazzamedia, I worked as English tutor, Manajemen Qolbu FM Radio’s announcer, and often wrote books and got them published by Islamic publisher.
What was your background of establishing Gazzamedia?
I love writing since high school. Then when I was studying in English Department, even I took Linguistics, I really enjoyed my time. I found my writing skill from friends, relations and best friends. It goes with the flow until I my current state now.What works are typically published by Gazzamedia?
Gazzamedia publishes Islamic books for teenagers, motivations, self-developments, and popular psychology books. The office is on Jl. Prof. Dr. Soeharso, Gg. Anggur VI No. 6 Jajar Solo.
How many books you have written?
There are 20 books that have already been published.
1. Nggak Harus Pacaran – Penerbit Sahabat.
2. Ijinkan Aku Menikah Tanpa Pacaran – Barakah Belia.
3. Jadilah Remaja Berkualitas – Barakah Belia.
4. Bunda, Maafkan Aku – Penerbit Samudera.
5. Engkau Lebih Cantik dengan Jilbab – Penerbit Samudera.
6. Ya Allah Aku Jatuh Cinta – Penerbit Samudera.
7. Ya Allah Aku Tak Ingin Sendiri – Penerbit Samudera.
8. Mendadak Ustad – Penerbit Samudera.
9. Gombal Warning – Penerbit Samudera.
10. Engkau Memang Cantik – Penerbit Gazzamedia.
11. Karena Cinta Harus Memilih – Penerbit Gazzamedia.
12. Ketik Reg Spasi – Penerbit Gazzamedia.
13. Menikah Karena Allah-Penerbit Gazzamedia
14. Aku Cinta Ibu- Penerbit Sahabat
15. Agar Remaja Mencintai Quran-Penerbit Sahabat
16. I Love Quran and You?-Kemilau Publishing
17. Sejuta Cinta Untuk Ibunda-Kemilau Publishing
18. Merengkuh Berkah Ramadan-Penerbit Sahabat.
19. Terapi Patah Hati-Penerbit RAMA Jogja.
20. Jurus Hebat Menjadi Guru Hebat-Buku Proyek.
What is your message for English Department student?
Do not take light on college life. There are many interesting things to be observed. From the beginning, try to focus on one interesting field. Develop your interest and you will harvest the crops when you graduate from this department. From my experience, there is only one keyword, ENJOY YOUR STUDY.
I like ur speech, discussion about "Karena Cinta Harus Memilih"
BalasHapusu are really funny ustad but ur message can be accepted with us
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