EDCOM holds a seminar on international education

EDCOM held a seminar about international education on Sunday (4/24/2016). Based on the tagline "Discover your future in global education", the seminar tried to let people know about global education.

Fascinating 2016: BTB performs drama themed sin

Better Than Broadway (BTB) showed a Fascinating drama on Thursday (5/12/2016) at theater building of Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (TBJT). It consisted of two short dramas: "The Interrogation" and "The Afterlife".

MISSION: We Bring Movie to Your Class

I guess movie is one of important sources of entertainment for us all. So what is better than having a movie time with a good crowd, with some good friends, especially when we also have a small discussion right after the credit end rolls?

EDCOM UPGRADING 2014: Meningkatkan Prestasi Organisasi Dengan Ceria

On March, 14th 2014, exactly at 13.00 pm was the important day for the new EDCOM (English Department Community) of Letters and Fine Art Faculty in Sebelas Maret University. EDCOM inauguration was held in 307 of the first building with the theme: Fresh for New Movement.

EDCOM Inauguration 2016: The New Generation

LET'S SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Congratulation for the new President of EDCOM 2016, Ramadhiansyah Nur Pratama, and the new members from ED2015!

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

2011 – 2012 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Global UGRAD, American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA

The Office of Academic Exchange Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U. S. Department of State, is pleased to announce a new exchange program for undergraduate students-the 2011 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)

The Global UGRAD Program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of U.S. Study in a NON-DEGREE Program. The goals of the program are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and underrepresented groups in Indonesia and East Asia.

All global UGRAD Program participants will be enrolled full-time in undergraduate course work chosen from the institution’s (US) existing curriculum to allow students ample opportunity for ongoing interaction with U.S. Faculty and student peers, and for exposure to U.S. academic and classroom culture..

To ensure that students succeed in their new academic environments, host institutions will offer tailored instruction on topics including academic research and writing, critical thinking, time management, note taking, and studying for and taking tests. Participants will live on campus with American peers.

Students will also be provided with opportunities to participate in up to ten hours of community service per semester. Additionally, an internship component will be offered to all academic-year participants during the academic component of the program. Internships will be related to each participant’s field of study and/or career plans.

Participants may be eligible for up to 4 weeks of intensive English Language instruction in the United States prior to the start of academic portion of their program.


1. Scholarships will be granted to students who currently are enrolled in S-1 degree programs only, and have completed their first semester and up to their firth semester of undergraduate study at an Indonesian university.
2. Applicants should demonstrate leadership potential through academic work, community involvement, and extracurricular activities.
3. Applicants must have minimum institutional TOEFL score of 500-score or IELTS 5.0 less than two years old. In some cases a personal interview by a fluent qualified Native English Speaker who can confirm that the nominee would be able to achieve that score when tested is acceptable. Candidates must also meet all the requirements of the institution where admission is being sought.
4. Preference will be given to those who have had little or NO experience in the U.S. or outside of their home countries.
5. Applications can be for either for one semester or two semesters based on nominee’s availability. No applications should be submitted for both one semester and full year programs.
6. Applicants are required to return to Indonesia after the completion of the one or two semester program.

Submission of Applications
An original application and two copies should be submitted to the address below by: November 1, 2010

American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt. 6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 4, Jakarta 10720
Tel. 021- 3452016

Applications are available at the AMINEF offices or can also be downloaded from AMINEF website at www.aminef.or.id

For additional information, contact infofulbright_ind[at]aminef.or.id.

We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.

Original Post: http://www.scholarshipsgrantsloan.com/2011-%E2%80%93-2012-global-undergraduate-exchange-program-global-ugrad-american-indonesian-exchange-foundation-usa/

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


American Week adalah acara yang akan diselenggarakan oleh Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret pada tanggal 21-24 Juni 2010. Acara ini akan dilaksanakan di Ruang Seminar Gedung III FSSR UNS dan Lapangan Parkir FSSR UNS. Adapun tujuan acara ini adalah untuk mengenalkan budaya Amerika kepada mahasiswa UNS dan Umum. Amerika Serikat adalah negara adidaya yang pengaruhnya sangat besar terhadap perkembangan tren dunia. Oleh karena itu, mengetahui produk budayanya menjadi sangat penting untuk menambah pengetahuan umum.

American Week memiliki beberapa event:

A. Call for Articles
Merupakan ajang kompetisi artikel berbahasa Inggris yang merangsang kemampuan peserta untuk menuangkan gagasan-gagasan tentang Amerika secara tertulis. Berikut deskripsinya:

It is a kind of activity for improving the writing ability of the participants. The specific theme for this competition is American’s Pop Culture from the past until present. The target for this event is 100 participants. This competition will start from June 1, 2010 and the top 20 will be announced on June 21 2010. The requirements are :
1. The Article is the personal masterpiece
2. 2-3 page (A4)
3. Spacing: 1,5
4. Font : Times New Roman, 12
5. The Hard file (3 copies) should be sent to American Week’s office at ILC , approximately on June 18 ,2010
6. The top 20 can participate in Talk show which will be held after the article competition on June 22, 2010
7. The Top 3 will be announced on Talk show
The regulation about the competition forms:
1. The forms can be downloaded on EDCOM’s Blog
2. Attaching 3 copies of the Identity Card and CV and the Rp. 10.000,00 for the contribution.

JUARA I: Rp. 300.000,00 + vandel
JUARA II: Rp. 200.000,00 + vandel
JUARA III: Rp. 150.000,00 + vandel

Lembar formulir dapat diunduh di sini.

B. Talkshow
Event “America in Our Words” akan diadakan di Ruang Seminar Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa pada hari Selasa, 22 Juni 2010 pukul 09.00 sampai dengan pukul 12.30. Event ini ditargetkan untuk diikuti oleh 200 peserta. Format event ini adalah talk show yang membahas tentang Budaya Pop Amerika terkini dan dihadiri oleh pembicara yang expert di bidang American Studies. Tiga peringkat teratas kompetisi membuat artikel sebelumnya akan diumumkan dalam talk show tersebut. Selain itu, hiburan-hiburan lain seperti pentas musik dan kuis-kuis berkenaan dengan Budaya Pop Amerika juga akan ditampilkan sebagai pendamping acara talk show. Pengumuman pemenang kompetisi artikel dan pemberian hadiah akan dilaksanakan di akhir acara talk show.

C. American Exhibition
American Exhibition adalah sebuah acara yang menyajikan produk-produk terkemuka Budaya Pop Amerika, visualisasi perjalanan sejarah Amerika, dan informasi tentang belajar ke luar negeri. Ketiganya akan disajikan sedemikian rupa hingga menarik pengunjung. Eksibisi ini termasuk nonton film bersama.

Terdiri dari:
Display and Bazaar
Dance Performance
Accoustic Performance
Jazz Performance
Drama Musical
Planet Hollywood
Halloween Corner

Harga tiket sebelum hari H Rp. 8.000,00 (untuk 2 hari)
Harga tiket on the spot Rp. 10.000,00 (untuk 2 hari)

23-24 Juni 2010
Open gate Pkl. 09.30

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

unsblogfest 1.0 is coming soon!

See complete news here...



Tanggal 8 Mei 2010 akan diadakan Studium Generale dengan tema "BROADEN YOUR HORIZON THROUGH ENGLISH JOURNALISM". Studium Generale ini diadakan dalam rangka pembekalan staf PressDiv dan masyarakat yang berminat di bidang jurnalistik. Menghadirkan dua pembicara yaitu Taufik Al Makmun akademisi dosen Sastra Inggris dan Verdy Bagus Hendratmoko praktisi redaktur harian Solopos.

Studium generale ini akan diadakan di Ruang Seminar Gedung III Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Tiket seharga Rp. 7.000,00 dan On The Spot sebesar Rp. 10.000,00 dapat dipesan di sekretariat EDCOM, Independent Learning Centre, Lantai 3 Gedung I Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa UNS.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Daftar Penerima Besiswa Sastra Inggris

1. Fitria Nur Fadhila
2. Asni Furaida
3. Ayu Pusparini
4. Clara Ertyas
5. Hermanto
6. M. Syafi’I Al Hamid
7. Rena Aprilia Tanjung
8. Suci Yatiningsih
9. Buntar Tri Anggono
10. Dwi Martini
11. Edwi Mardiyoko
12. Erna Alifah
13. Irma Hurjanah
14. Syaiful Danang S.
15. Umi Wakhidah
16. Dewi Setyawan
17. Muhammad Rizal Fikri
18. Sahrih Shadri
19. Siti Nurmalia
20. Yeni Setyowati
21. Amalia Rizki Siwi
22. Dewi Ikke Nuryani
23. Retno Wulandari
24. Wulandari

1. Ata Mufthah
2. Candra Septiana Putri
3. Endah Budi K.
4. Ikha Oktavianti
5. Muhammad Rizki
6. Suci Ariyani
7. Tri Setiyarini
8. Safitri Bonea
9. Daniel Nugroho
10. Idha Dwi Prasetya
11. Dodik Setiyadi
12. Epata Puji Astuti
13. Hanifan Fuadi Fathul Mubin
14. Ikke Dewi Pratama
15. Makna Sinatria
16. Vista Sandy M.U.
17. Dita Surya Kartika
18. Evi Baiturohmah
19. Mimi Zulaikha
20. Tori Nuariza Sutanto
21. Udiana Puspa Dewi
22. Deliana Praditha Sari
23. Wiwin Winanti

Kepada mahasiswa yang mendapatkan beasiswa segera menandatangani daftar penerima beasiswa di kantor TU. Agar beasiswa cepat cair.

Jumat, 09 April 2010


Lomba karya tulis ilmiah ini diadakan oleh SIM BEM UNS. Bagi yang berminat silakan klik situs:



Juara I Trophy + piagam + uang pembinaan Rp 2.000.000,00

Juara II Trophy + piagam + uang pembinaan Rp 1.500.000,00

Juara III Trophy + piagam + uang pembinaan Rp 1.000.000,00

Harapan I Trophy + piagam penghargaan + uangpembinaan

Harapan II Trophy + piagam penghargaan + uang pembinaan

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Lomba lari 11 km Meriahkan Dies Natalis

Salah satu UKM di Universitas Sebelas Maret, UKM KMS MENWA Sat. 905 Jagat Abilawa mengadakan lomba lari Open Nasional untuk memperingati Dies Natalis UNS XXXIV. Acara ini diadakan pada hari Minggu, 14 Maret 2010.

Ketua panitia lomba ini, Sulaiman Rasyid menjelaskan bahwa lomba ini diadakan dengan tujuan sebagai eksistensi MENWA sebagai salah satu UKM di UNS, sebagai salah satu tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam bidang pengabdian masyarakat, dan untuk merealisasikan program UNS menjadi “World Class University”.

Tepat pukul 06.30 lomba lari telah dimulai. Start berada di boulevard belakang UNS di depan Student Center. Peserta lari melewati route UNS-Pedaringan-Mojosongo dan finish di boulevard depan UNS. Route ini berbeda dengan route lari yang biasa diadakan oleh intansi lain. Jika lomba lari lain biasanya menggunakan route sepanjang 10 km, maka lain halnya dengan lomba lari ini. Jarak route lomba ini adalah 11 km agar sama dengan nama Universitas tempat dimana UKM MENWA ini bereksistensi yaitu, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Total peserta yang mengikuti lomba ini sebanyak 957 orang. Peserta berasal dari berbagai kota di Indonesia dan berbagai usia. Lomba ini dibagi menjadi 4 kategori yaitu kategori umum putra, kategori umum putri, kategori pelajar putra, kategori TNI/ POLRI/ MENWA.

Berikut ini adalah rincian pemenang:
1.Kategori Umum Putra:
Juara 1 : Ari Swandana dari instansi Lokomotif Salatiga
Juara 2 : Sukarno dari instansi Yon Pandawa 441
Juara 3 : Noce dari Cepu, Blora
2.Kategori Umum Putri:
Juara 1 : Trianingsih dari instansi Lokomotif Salatiga
Juara 2 : Novi dari Cepu, Blora
Juara 3 : Sri Agustin dari Lokomotif Salatiga
3.Kategori TNI/ POLRI/ MENWA:
Juara 1 : Oktavianus dari Salatiga
Juara 2 : Agustinus Beno dari Kediri
Juara 3 : Sa’in Alim dari Depok
4.Kategori Pelajar Putra:
Juara 1 : Tri Sutrisno dari SMA PGRI Cepu, Blora
Juara 2 : Khamid dari instansi Lokomotif Salatiga
Juara 3 : Beni dari Salatiga

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Tawaran Beasiswa PPA dan BBM

Untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik mahasiswa, Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi menawarkan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa aktif. Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret menawarkan dua beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) dan Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa (BBM). Berikut syarat-syaratnya:

1. Mengisi formulir pengajuan beasiswa yang dapat diambil di subbag Kemahasiswaan FSSR UNS.
2. Fotokopi Kartu Mahasiswa
3. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
4. Surat Keterangan Penghasilan atau Slip Gaji dengan cap Kelurahan
5. Fotokopi rekening listrik bulan terakhir
6. IPK untuk PPA >= 3 IPK untuk BBM >= 2,5
7. Pas foto 3x4 (2 lembar)
Masing-masing berkas rangkap dua dan dimasukkan ke dalam map kuning untuk PPA dan merah untuk BBM. Map dapat dibeli di KOPMA. Untuk Jurusan Sastra Inggris mengontak Pak Taufik paling lambat tgl. 15 Maret 2010.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

"Pemilihan Mawapres 2010"

Untuk temen-temen di Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa UNS terutama temen-temen sastra inggris; Pertarungan Mawapres (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) 2010 telah dimulai. Jurusan sastra inggris mengundang siapa saja yang memenuhi syarat untuk ikut berkompetisi. Siapkan diri kalian dan ikuti pemilihan Mawapres 2010 dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa S1 UNS, minimal sedang kuliah di semester VI dan maksimal semester VII
3. Memliliki Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa yang masih berlaku
4. Usia tidak lebih dari 24th

Unsur-unsur penilaian terdiri dari:
1. IP kumulatif
2. Karya tulis ilmiah (hasil dari kajian pustaka dari sumber terpercaya yang berisi solusi kreatif yang dianalisis secara tajam dan diakhiri dengan kesimpulan relevan)
3. Kegiatan keorganisasian dan ekstrakurikuler
4. Bahasa Inggris (penulisan ringkasan dan presentasi serta diskusi dalam bahasa inggris)
5. Kepribadian baik

Untuk mahasiswa sastra inggris pengumpulan karya tulis serta dokumen lengkap paling lambat Senin, 15 Februari 2010 maksimal pukul 9 pagi kepada Mr. Taufik Al-Makmun di Jurusan Sastra Inggris.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Angel and Devil Stereotype in United 93

Today, I opened my laptop to see what’s inside my moopi folder. Three films wait in my waiting list. I choose United 93, it is a hollywood documentary drama about hijacking. United 93 brings back our memories to the 11th September 2001 when 2 commercials airplane crashed World Trade Center. The story is based on true story, but it’s not about those two planes crashed WTC, it’s about another commercial airplane hijacked in the same time with the same groups, but it’s not success to reach the target.

The story began with an Arabs read a holly Quran. Those people WERE the ones who did the hijacking or nowadays they are called Terrorist. In the beginning of the story, the Arabs depicted as a pious Muslim, they prayed and read holly Quran to calm their selves down before doing the action of hijacking that they would do in United 93.

I was not surprise about the depiction of the hijacker in this film as media depict the same picture of Terrorist especially when it relates to USA and WTC. It’s usual to see terrorist labeled to Arabs or Muslims, especially after the 11th September. This stereotype grows well as the media also keep this depiction. It’s not only news media but also film. It’s been many American movie made portray Arabs-Muslims as Terrorist with turban and bomb. United 93 shows clearly about devil and angel, on how the hijacker will kill the passenger who defend themselves with a knife while their mouth said AllahuAkbar and the passengers pray to God to save them in Christian and Catholic way. This is how film can brainwash people’s mind about the teaching of a religion whereas it’s not about the teaching but it’s about the people.

The problem of stereotyping never can be separated from film and media as it’s a nature that media will be the best weapon to label a group of people and to spread an ideology. This is also stereotyping which create a gap between communities because they have a bad idea about something and in this case a religion.

I will not deny that until the end of the film I was touched by the story and hatred came to my heart when I saw the hijacker. People who do not know the real teaching of a religion, in this case is Islam will give a bad judgment, even it will emerge hatred towards Islam itself.

I think it’s a hard task to movie maker to create such a good movie based on true story without involving a stereotype, but it will be better if the movie do not involve a pray or religious aspect in the movie or what will emerge is bias that will create a hatred toward a group of people.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

“Career Prospect of English Department Graduate”: Share Experiences with Seniors

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010 has been performed a seminar in Third Building Second Floor Seminar Room, the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This seminar was held to give motivations for students of Strata 1 English Department students of Sebelas Maret University. The speakers were Mr. Irawan Nugroho, Prof. Drs. MR. Nababan, MA. M. Ed. PhD, and Mr. Ishom.
Mr. Irawan who called Iwan is working in United States of America as a staff. He said that there is no relation between education majors and job. The grads of English Department are not always work in literature area. Mr. Irawan told that some of his friends from English Department working in other area like journalistic, banking even parliament member or regent. “Strata 1 certificate is the main requirement to get a job”, said the man who likes to climb mountains.
Mr. Ishom has felt many unforgettable experiences because he became an English Department student. When he was interviewed by USA reporter, he was told that his English is good. That’s made him proud.
Mr. Nababan said that we have to finish our education before we look for job. He also told us to enjoy our lecture in English Department because something experienced happily will give the better result.(siwi)

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


EDCOM upgrading is a must for those who have joined EDCOM's Board. It will be held at 16 until 17th January 2010 at Tawangmangu. Contribution for this event is Rp25.000,00. You can contact Yusuf Aulia at http://www.facebook.com/luccava?ref=profile#/profile.php?id=1082648430&ref=ts.