EDCOM holds a seminar on international education

EDCOM held a seminar about international education on Sunday (4/24/2016). Based on the tagline "Discover your future in global education", the seminar tried to let people know about global education.

Fascinating 2016: BTB performs drama themed sin

Better Than Broadway (BTB) showed a Fascinating drama on Thursday (5/12/2016) at theater building of Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (TBJT). It consisted of two short dramas: "The Interrogation" and "The Afterlife".

MISSION: We Bring Movie to Your Class

I guess movie is one of important sources of entertainment for us all. So what is better than having a movie time with a good crowd, with some good friends, especially when we also have a small discussion right after the credit end rolls?

EDCOM UPGRADING 2014: Meningkatkan Prestasi Organisasi Dengan Ceria

On March, 14th 2014, exactly at 13.00 pm was the important day for the new EDCOM (English Department Community) of Letters and Fine Art Faculty in Sebelas Maret University. EDCOM inauguration was held in 307 of the first building with the theme: Fresh for New Movement.

EDCOM Inauguration 2016: The New Generation

LET'S SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Congratulation for the new President of EDCOM 2016, Ramadhiansyah Nur Pratama, and the new members from ED2015!

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Preliminary Round Motions (Motion Lomba Debat)

Berikut adalah motion (tema) yang akan digunakan dalam Lomba Debat:

Epidemic Issues

THW pay AIDS infected individuals not to have biological children

THW ban on gay blood donors

THW compel HIV infected people to disclose their disease to their sexual partners

Childcare Matters

THW require parents seeking divorce to get their children's consent.

This House would allow prisoners to raise their babies behind bars.

This House would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race

Religious Issues

THBT government should ban their citizens’ departure for religious pilgrimage in times of major epidemics

THW ban all religious involvement in schools

THBT Catholic Church should waive their teachings of celibacy

Gender Conformity

THBT the UN should not allow the prosecution of LGBTQs by Its member countries

THBT the gay rights movement should oppose gay marriage.

This House would ban any scheme intended to cure homosexuality

Breath Your Funtaneous Thought with the Sophist’s Spirit

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris FSSR UNS

Edcom (English Department Community) Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa UNS akan mengadakan lomba debat bahasa inggris antar mahasiswa FSSR UNS. Dengan mengusung tema "Breath Your Funtaneous Thought with the Sophist’s Spirit", lomba ini akan diadakan pada tanggal 17-18 Desember 2011. Untuk Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat dibawah ini:

I. Pendaftaran

1. Tidak dikenakan biaya pendaftaran bagi peserta, yaitu mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

2. Peserta harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dapat didownload di sini atau mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan di ILC (lantai 3 Gedung 1, FSSR, UNS).

3. Formulir pendaftaran dikumpulkan di ILC dari pukul 09.00 s.d 15.00 WIB. (Hari Senin s.d Jumat)

4. Batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal 1 Desember 2011.

II. Informasi

1. Fasilitas yang disediakan antara lain

ü Sertifikat

ü Snack dan makan siang peserta

ü Guide-lines debate.

2. Hadiah dan award

ü Uang pembinaan untuk juara I, II, III, dan best speaker

ü Trophy untuk juara I

ü Piagam Penghargaan

3. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:

ü Mimi Zulaikha (085725668833)

ü Alifa (081911231623)

III. Hadiah

Juara 1 : Trophy + Piagam + Uang Pembinaan

Juara 2 : Piagam + Uang Pembinaan

Juara 3 : Piagam + Uang Pembinaan

Best Speaker : Piagam + Uang Pembinaan

Peraturan dan Persyaratan Lomba

I. Umum

1) Panitia English Debating Championship berhak untuk menetapkan dan mengubah peraturan bila diperlukan.

2) Keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh panitia bersifat mutlak dan mengikat.

3) Bahasa yang digunakan selama lomba berlangsung adalah bahasa Inggris.

II. Khusus

1) Batas kuota peserta adalah 12 tim, 1 tim terdiri dari tiga debaters.

2) Peserta yang diperbolehkan untuk mengikuti lomba debat ini adalah mahasiswa yang masih aktif kuliah dan terdaftar di Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

3) Setiap peserta diharuskan untuk mengenakan pakaian yang sopan ketika mengikuti lomba dan tidak diperkenankan untuk mengenakan kaos dan sandal.

4) Peserta diharuskan untuk datang tepat waktu paling lambat 10 menit sebelum lomba berlangsung.

III. Format Lomba

1) Lomba terdiri dari 2 fase:

a) Fase preliminari yang terdiri dari 3 kali penyisihan.

b) Fase eliminasi yang terdiri dari babak perdelapan final, perempat final, semifinal, dan final.

2) Pada babak penyisihan yang pertama, penentuan lawan setiap tim akan ditentukan melalui undian secara acak yang diundi oleh panitia.

3) Untuk babak penyisihan kedua sampai babak final, lawan lomba dari tiap tim ditentukan oleh:

a) Total skor

b) Victory point (Jumlah kemenangan dan margin)

c) Selisih skor dari tim lawan.

4) 8 tim yang lolos dari babak penyisihan berhak mengikuti babak eliminasi selanjutnya.

5) Motion yang akan digunakan dalam setiap pertandingan terdiri dari prepared motion (15 motion yang telah disediakan) dan sudden motion (motion yang diberikan saat hari lomba).

6) Setiap tim akan diberi waktu 20 menit untuk case building (diskusi motion). Bagi tim yang datang terlambat pada saat lomba tidak ada tambahan waktu untuk melakukan case building.

7) Tim yang terlambat lebih dari 15 menit setelah case building selesai akan didiskualifikasi.

8) Peserta lomba debat tidak diperkenankan meninggalkan ruangan pertandingan pada saat lomba berlangsung.

9) Sistem lomba debat yang dipergunakan adalah Australasian Parliamentary Debate dan guidelines atau pedoman dalam lomba debat ini akan diberikan pada saat technical meeting.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

A Brief and Accurate Description of World War II

Since this is the first time I post a scarlet in this blog, (knowing that this scarlet is the 4th edition already) let's just pray that i don't get yelled by my head of division.

Check this one out, the first online scarlet!

A Brief and Accurate Description of World War II

Germany invades Czechoslovakia. Britain & France tell them to stop that bullshit.

Germany invades Poland.(Russia also invades Poland from the other side: everybody forgets this.)

Britain & France declare war. This is the 'official' kick-off.

Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, & Romania all join the German side. (Everybody forgets the last three.)

Axis forces go through Europe like vindaloo through a colostomy.

Nazis exterminate Jews, gays, gypsies, & the disabled. (everybody remembers the jews but forgets the rest.)

UK holds out. Russia & the USA don't do shit.

Entire divisions of Danish, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian, French & Serbian volunteers join the Axis armies & SS. (everybody forgets this & to listen to them now, they were all in the F*CKING resistance, which must have been MASSIVE.)

Axis forces invade Russia. Suddenly the Russians don't think it's funny anymore.

Japan joins the Axis & bombs Pearl Harbor. Suddenly the US doesn't think it's funny anymore.

The USA tools up the world, 'cause it's got more factories than everybody else put together, & they're out of bomber range.

Axis runs out of steam in Russia, cause Russia's enormous & bloody freezing.

Allies invade on D-Day… 5 landings: 2 British, 2 American, 1 Canadian. (everybody forgets the Canadians.)

Hitler ends up smouldering in a ditch. Russians find the body & confirm he only had one ball. Seriously.

The US decides invading stuff is a pain in the ass and invents the atom bomb instead. Drops two buckets of sunshine on Japan.

Russians steal half of Europe.

UK's spent almost every penny it had.

US starts telling everybody how it was all about them, & 64 years later is still doing so.

“Some of the World War II guys in 'Call of Duty' have, like, foreign accents… what's up with that?”

Okay, well, that's a story that i put in our 4th scarlet, thank you.

"The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug"