EDCOM holds a seminar on international education

EDCOM held a seminar about international education on Sunday (4/24/2016). Based on the tagline "Discover your future in global education", the seminar tried to let people know about global education.

Fascinating 2016: BTB performs drama themed sin

Better Than Broadway (BTB) showed a Fascinating drama on Thursday (5/12/2016) at theater building of Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (TBJT). It consisted of two short dramas: "The Interrogation" and "The Afterlife".

MISSION: We Bring Movie to Your Class

I guess movie is one of important sources of entertainment for us all. So what is better than having a movie time with a good crowd, with some good friends, especially when we also have a small discussion right after the credit end rolls?

EDCOM UPGRADING 2014: Meningkatkan Prestasi Organisasi Dengan Ceria

On March, 14th 2014, exactly at 13.00 pm was the important day for the new EDCOM (English Department Community) of Letters and Fine Art Faculty in Sebelas Maret University. EDCOM inauguration was held in 307 of the first building with the theme: Fresh for New Movement.

EDCOM Inauguration 2016: The New Generation

LET'S SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Congratulation for the new President of EDCOM 2016, Ramadhiansyah Nur Pratama, and the new members from ED2015!

Kamis, 30 April 2009

Grand Launching EDCOM Study Club

These are the pictures from Grand Launching of EDCOM Study Club

Rabu, 15 April 2009


PT Gudang Garam Tbk. akan memberikan beasiswa kepada 6 mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa. Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengajukan berkas permohonan rangkap 3 (tiga) ke Subbag. Kemahasiswaan FSSR. Paling lambat tanggal 16 April 2009, dengan syarat:
1. IPK minimal 3.00
2. Minimal mahasiswa semester III
3. Dari orang tua yang kurang mampu
4. Pas photo 3x4, 2 lembar
5. Mencantumkan nomor telephone
6. Formulir beasiswa dapat digandakkan di fotokopi FSSR, atau download di sini

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Advantages of Blog

Blogs are probably the easiest way to have a website. With blog software, it literally takes minutes to have a professional looking site up and running. These are the five things I like the most about blogs:

Blogs are easy to create:

You don't need expensive or complicated web editors or web design software to create a blog. Blog vendors offer you a variety of templates you can choose from. Most likely you will find among them one that offers the look and feel you're looking for. Your only web design expense may very well be to pay a graphics artist to design an attractive logo that makes your site unique.

Blogs are easy to maintain:

Blog software allows you to post online, which means that you won't need to bother with FTP software. This also means that you can post anywhere, not just from your own computer. You may be in a hotel room in China, and if it has an internet connection you can log in and update your website from your web-based control panel. Your blog's software will automatically move your most recent post to the top, while archiving older posts by date or by topic, so you don't ever have to bother to move web pages around.

Blogs are search-engine-friendly:

Since blogs assign each post an individual URL address, each of them will have it's own, separate web page. If you take care of making each post very focused on a specific topic and carefully choose the keywords that best describe your post (using them in the post title and post body), they will stand a very good chance of ranking well with the search engines. Also, since blogs tend to be updated regularly, search engines will crawl them often (search engines love fresh content), adding your new posts to their index.

Blogs allow you to interact with your customer base:

The best websites allow your customers to interact with you and give feedback. Since blogs offer you the option of enabling a "comments" field after your posts where readers can give you feedback, your visitors will not only be more inclined to come back, but you will have at your disposal an effective and inexpensive way to get to know your customers better.

Many great blog hosts are free:

There are several excellent services that offer blog hosting for free. The most well known of them is Blogger, a free blog service owned by Google. Signing up takes minutes, it offers many different templates and customization options, and also gives you the option of tying your blog with your Google Adsense account. That way, not only is the service free, but you can also make money. The downside to all these great advantages is that they have encouraged the creation of a huge number of me-too and low quality blogs that don't add value and hardly get any traffic. Don't fall into that trap. Before jumping to create a blog, remember that to be successful you must write about a focused and original topic, or offer a unique perspective on a common theme. In the end, as the cliché says, it all boils down to quality content.bd14582_.gif (185 bytes)

Mario Sanchez publishes The Internet Digest ( http://www.theinternetdigest.net ), an internet marketing content site packed with useful articles and resources, and SEO Tutorial ( http://www.seotutorial.info ) where you can learn the basics of search engine optimization in four easy steps.

Senin, 13 April 2009

Engish Department Community Logo in Jumper

Different from the typical logo of English Department, rectangle with a big E inside, the logo for the Jumper is totally different. It’s more casual, eye-catching, and of course, greener. There are many philosophical meaning can be found from the new logo actually.

In this Logo, EDCOM letter is surrounded by kinds of environmental things which make it looks healthier, fresher, and once again, greener. It shows that, though EDCOM is student’s organization, but it is environment safe also. That’s why, it is hoped that all EDCOMers are not being apathetic with the environment around.

The green colour dominating the logo also means more than one meaning. Firstly, green is the colour of the healthy plants. They produce oxygen to all creatures around them, so those creatures can live their life. Just like EDCOM, this organization tries giving EDCOMers skill, ability, and inspiration in facing the world, so that all of them can live their life effectively, happily, and inspiringly. Secondly, green is the colour of the new beginning. From this reason, it is expected that EDCOM can bring hope to all people inside and outside this organization. And for the next meanings, you can interpret it by yourself!! cos the space is limited to describe all the meanings.

Overall, the new logo of English Department Community in our beloved Jumper shows the spirits of EDCOM itself, which are environment safe, beneficial to the people, motivating, and of course, inspiring.

KWU div.

Kamis, 02 April 2009



1. Bersedia menjadi sukarelawan (tidak digaji selama mengajar anak-anak yatim piatu)
2. Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris S1/Non Reg/D3
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran
4. Info lebih lanjut program pengabdian masyarakat "EDCOM STUDY CLUB" akan disampaikan saat intirview berlangsung

Jangan sampai kita terlena untuk memenuhi kekayaan duniawi yang sifatnya hanya sementara saja hingga kita lupa akan tugas kita yang sesungguhnya di dunia ini, yaitu mengumpulkan perbekalan untuk menuju kampung akhirat yang kekal. Jadi perkayalah diri Anda baik dengan materi maupun dengan ruhani, dan bagikan kekayaan tersebut dengan orang-orang yang ada di sekitar Anda terutama yang lebih membutuhkan. Let's Move!!! HIDUP MAHASISWA ^_^


by:Student Affair

31 Maret - 02 April 2009
02-03 APRIL 2009

contact person
BIMA : 085647254650
RINI : 02713080176