EDCOM holds a seminar on international education

EDCOM held a seminar about international education on Sunday (4/24/2016). Based on the tagline "Discover your future in global education", the seminar tried to let people know about global education.

Fascinating 2016: BTB performs drama themed sin

Better Than Broadway (BTB) showed a Fascinating drama on Thursday (5/12/2016) at theater building of Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (TBJT). It consisted of two short dramas: "The Interrogation" and "The Afterlife".

MISSION: We Bring Movie to Your Class

I guess movie is one of important sources of entertainment for us all. So what is better than having a movie time with a good crowd, with some good friends, especially when we also have a small discussion right after the credit end rolls?

EDCOM UPGRADING 2014: Meningkatkan Prestasi Organisasi Dengan Ceria

On March, 14th 2014, exactly at 13.00 pm was the important day for the new EDCOM (English Department Community) of Letters and Fine Art Faculty in Sebelas Maret University. EDCOM inauguration was held in 307 of the first building with the theme: Fresh for New Movement.

EDCOM Inauguration 2016: The New Generation

LET'S SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Congratulation for the new President of EDCOM 2016, Ramadhiansyah Nur Pratama, and the new members from ED2015!

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Happy Birthday, Edcom!

Hari ini bukan hari yang biasa untuk Edcom. HMJ yang telah berdiri sejak tanggal 28 Juni 2001 itu hari ini berulang tahun yang ke 11. Sebagai salah satu cara untuk memperingatinya, beberapa mahasiswa Sastra Inggris, baik itu pengurus Edcom atau bukan, membuat kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk Edcom. Kartu-kartu ucapan tersebut kemudian ditempelkan di mading.

Penampakan mading di hari ulang tahun Edcom:

Bahkan di sela-sela ucapan selamatnya, bendahara juga sempat menuliskan pesan:

Ketika ada salah satu mahasiswa yang sempat menyinggung soal pentingnya ucapan selamat, Radyan, Presiden Edcom, menjawab singkat, "Ya ini kan juga sebagai doa.."

Happy 11th birthday Edcom, wish you all the best!

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Short Story: 4:35 a.m.

            She had met him via Live Journal.

            His screen name seemed too interesting to pass up and she found herself clicking the “add to friends” button. A few hours later, she received an IM.

SadTango : Yo. This may be pretty weird but you added me, so I thought I'd snoop around your profile and you seemed interesting. Anyways, I feel like I'm rambling. Haha.

Quinn instantly smiled at the IM, imagining a faceless boy mumbling and rambling on. Biting her lip, she stared at the keyboard before finally beginning to type.

Fearless    : We could start off with a simple 'nice to meet you' (: No need to be nervous.

SadTango : Pft, I'm not nervous. Just don't wanna let you think that I'm a creep or something.

Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Movie Review : The Social Network

by Fariz Dheonata

Director : David Fincher
Cast       : David Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Brenda Song, Armie Hammer, Max Minghella, Rashida Jones, Joseph Mazzello, and Rooney Mara.
Genre    : Drama

Did you know Facebook once named Facemash? In 2003, Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) was dumped by his girlfriend Erica Albright (Rooney Mara). Felt upset, Mark returned to his dorm, got drunk and wrote a scathing blog entry about her. The writing inspired him to create an on-campus website called Facemash that allows the users to rate the attractiveness of female students. Mark was caught and received six months of academic probation after the crowded site traffic made Harvard’s website downed. His prank also caused him to become vilified among most of Harvard's female community.

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Seminar Mainstream, the Right Man in the Right Place

Kamis (15/6/2012), Edcom FSSR khususnya dari Divisi Research and Development (RnD) mengadakan acara Seminar Mainstream di Ruang Seminar Gedung III FSSR. Acara dengan tema “The Right Man in the Right Place” tersebut berlangsung dari pukul 01.00 sampai sekitar pukul 04.00. Seminar Mainstream memang agenda tahunan yang bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa, khususnya angkatan 2010, dalam memilih mainstream atau penjurusan. Dalam acara tersebut dihadirkan dosen pengampu dan mahasiswa yang menjadi figur masing-masing mainstream. Acara berlangsung menarik ketika masing-masing dosen mulai “mempromosikan” mainstream mereka.

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

LED Light up the World

A lamp is very important to light our home when the sky goes dark. Due to its importance, it is considered as a must-have household-ware. We will consider the lamp’s durability when buying lamp. However, the lamp should have a reasonable cost and low electrical consumption. So, what kind of lamp should we look for?

Because of the development and the innovation of technology, we can find various kinds of lamp. Light bulbs, neon lamps, etc. are available in various models and brands. LED is one of the choices.

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. It has better quality than other kinds of lamps. The light which released from LED is very good for us, especially for children. LED releases white natural light. The white light is very comfortable for our eyes. It will not hurt our eyes if we stare at the light directly.

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

When Expert Talk : Burhan Sodiq

by: Gracia Nataliani

This time, EDEN When Expert Talk interviewed one of English Department alumni, Mr. Burhan Sodiq. He is the CEO of Gazzamedia Publisher which is located in Solo. He was excitedly talking about his experiences and how English Department influenced his knowledge.

Name : Burhan Sodiq
Pen name : burhanshadiq
Profession : CEO of Gazzamedia Publisher
Blog : blog.burhanshadiq.com
Education : English Department 1998, Sebelas Maret University; Graduated at 2003.

Would you mind telling us about your origin and relatives?
My father comes from Solo and my mother comes from Sukoharjo. My wife’s hometown is Surabaya. Her name is Dwi Susi Wardhani. I have two children. They are Atikah Aqila and Aisyah Shalihah.

Signs of Good Luck from Around the World

Do you believe in luck? What symbol do you consider as a lucky symbol? Well, there are many signs and symbols from around the world that are seen as lucky. There are various symbols of good fortune, grant wishes, or even heal the sick. There are also symbols for warding off the evil and curses.

1. Insects Known to Bring Luck
Crickets, ladybugs, dragonflies and scarabs are knows as the symbol of good fortune. The belief that crickets bring luck could stem from prehistoric times, when cricket’s chirping provided a kind of companionship. In China and other Asian countries, the cricket served as a watchdog: at any sign of danger, the chirping will stop. In the Far East as well as across Europe, it is considered very bad luck to kill a cricket, even by accident.