EDCOM holds a seminar on international education

EDCOM held a seminar about international education on Sunday (4/24/2016). Based on the tagline "Discover your future in global education", the seminar tried to let people know about global education.

Fascinating 2016: BTB performs drama themed sin

Better Than Broadway (BTB) showed a Fascinating drama on Thursday (5/12/2016) at theater building of Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (TBJT). It consisted of two short dramas: "The Interrogation" and "The Afterlife".

MISSION: We Bring Movie to Your Class

I guess movie is one of important sources of entertainment for us all. So what is better than having a movie time with a good crowd, with some good friends, especially when we also have a small discussion right after the credit end rolls?

EDCOM UPGRADING 2014: Meningkatkan Prestasi Organisasi Dengan Ceria

On March, 14th 2014, exactly at 13.00 pm was the important day for the new EDCOM (English Department Community) of Letters and Fine Art Faculty in Sebelas Maret University. EDCOM inauguration was held in 307 of the first building with the theme: Fresh for New Movement.

EDCOM Inauguration 2016: The New Generation

LET'S SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Congratulation for the new President of EDCOM 2016, Ramadhiansyah Nur Pratama, and the new members from ED2015!

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Rnd Sukses Adakan Briefing Jurnal Ilmiah

Jum’at (4/5/2012), RnD sukses adakan briefing jurnal untuk mahasiswa Sastra Inggris FSSR, terbukti dari banyaknya jumlah peserta yang hadir. Acara yang diselenggarakan di Ruang 307 Gedung I FSSR tersebut dihadiri 104 peserta, jauh melebihi target dari panitia sejumlah 30 peserta. Adapun penyampai materi adalah dari dosen Sastra Inggris sendiri, Yuyun Kusdiyanto dan Agus HW. Mahasiswa yang hadir pada acara tersebut kebanyakan merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2006-2009, yang memang sekarang diberlakukan aturan baru yang mana jurnal akan dijadikan salah satu syarat kelulusan. Berdasarkan aturan dari Dikti, mahasiswa yang lulus setelah bulan Agustus harus membuat jurnal ilmiah.