What is SODC?

SODC (Solo Open Debate Championship) is an English debate competition held by EDCOM on January, 25th-27th 2013. This competition is classified as NATIONAL debating competition, involving everyone, either highschools or varsities students, (or even someone who has already working) from across Indonesia. The competition will take place in the Faculty of Letter and Fine Arts, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. It has special theme i.e. "School of Thought Gathering for Better Indonesia". Using the phrase "Be democratic, be Indonesia" as a jargon, hopefully we can gather many brilliant thoughts from the participants for the better Indonesia.

SODC uses Asian Parliamentary Debate format. It will be only 24 teams, each team consists of four members; three speakers and an N1 . means each team will also include an adjudicator who will be accredited. This is not only an English debate competition, but also an opportunity for the N1 or the adjudicator candidate to compete for the accreditation. The team member may consist of students from the same or different institution.

We're sorry we have to close the registration section, the quota of debate team is already full. Thank you to  those who have already registered and good luck.

Award :
Champion : trophy + IDR 1.500.000 + certificate
Runner Up : trophy + IDR 1.000.000 + certificate
Third Place : trophy + IDR 500.000 + certificate
Novice Champion : trophy + IDR 250.000 + certificate
Novice Runner Up : trophy + IDR 150.000 + certificate
Main Best Speaker : trophy + IDR 300.000 + certificate
Novice Best Speaker : trophy + certificate

 CP 085645870151 (Gita)
       083875005507 (Rahma)

follow: @SODCedcom

11 komentar:

  1. dear kakak penyelenggara,
    ada email yg bisa dihubungi gag ??


  2. Hai, minta izin share infonya ya...?.
    Salam kenal dari kontributor info-lomba.com ^ ^

  3. Damaya: oh iya ada, sodc.solo@yahoo.com, sudah tertulis di bagian registrasi, sebenere cukup mention twitternya aja bisa kok @SODCedcom , makasih ya

    Ind1G0: iya, terimakasih mau bantu share, salam kenal dari Sastra Inggris UNS, tapi nanti mungkin infonya masih akan direvisi dan diupdate :)

  4. kalau dari jawa timur boleh ikut tidak? thanks

  5. boleh minta soft copy surat undangan dan pamfletnya gak? untuk bikin proposal ke univ. poernawarman1985@yahoo.co.uk
    terima kasih.

  6. Azuhra: sekarang levelnya udah diganti jadi nasional jadi dari jatim boleh daftar.

    Uya: oke ditunggu ya :D

  7. would you please send us the invitation letter to nadia.jubair@ymail.com
    thanks before

  8. Uya & Nadia: The invitation letter was sent, please check your email

  9. Alif Rishal Prasetya26 Desember 2012 pukul 12.35

    would you please send us the rundown to alif.prasetya@yahoo.co.id ? I can't find it on this blog. Thank you :)

  10. maaf, ada rundown acara nggak? bisa di download di mana ya? thanks
